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Trade union membership
strength is correlated with
economic equality, as James Bloodworth and others have noted
This post was also posted on Medium on April 15th 2017.
On Wednesday, voting comes to a close in the general secretary election for Unite, Britain’s largest trade union. As a practical matter this means those of Unite’s 1.4m members who have not yet voted must get their ballot in the post by Monday latest for it to arrive on time, if they are to have a say in the future of their union. All voting is by post, as the government still cynically restricts internal electronic ballots by trade unions even as hundreds of other civil society organisations — including the Conservative Party — use it as standard, overseen by the reputable ERS just as Unite’s elections are. Between this and the general failure of the present Unite leadership to engage ordinary members, only 16% voted last time when Len McCluskey was last elected general secretary. But Gerard Coyne’s insurgent campaign has focused on raising turnout, and this alone is giving him a real chance at an upset victory.
An eye-catching idea of
his, and one that I’ve found has gone over well in conversations with members
in the course of phonebanking for him, has been Family Membership. This is essentially extending membership
benefits to the immediate dependants of paid-up members, giving them more
protection for their money. But it is hoped that it will also have a knock-on
effect of introducing the next generation to trade unionism, showing them it is
something relevant to them that they too can call upon when times are hard.
Union membership is declining, especially outside the public sector, and it has
an ageing demographic. This is despite young people arguably facing much
greater economic uncertainty than their parents did — an economy defined by
zero-hours contracts and the risk of casual exploitation in the ‘gig economy’.
As membership falls, the collective bargaining clout unions depend upon to be
effective for those that remain weakens, and so the vicious spiral deepens.
Trade unionism must reassert its relevance to potential future joiners if it is
to sustain itself and continue to protect working people.
Contrary to the tabloid tropes
about ‘union barons’ and the like, Unite is not however some kind of elective
dictatorship — if Gerard does win, this and all other ideas will also need to
pass muster with Unite’s elected Executive Council. Elections for this are
occurring concurrently and I backed the Unite
Alliance slate. But if Family Membership can help to reanchor trade
unionism in the lives of young working people, it is well worth doing and I
would hope that the new EC will work with Gerard on it if members do choose him
as their next general secretary.
Gerard is also speaking about
mechanisation and the technological upheavals that are threatening members’
jobs — these are the threats of the future and facing up to them is key to
growing Unite’s membership. “Every morning we have to wake up and think, what
is it I do to grow the movement?” he has said. He has fought perhaps the most digitally
advanced internal trade union campaign Britain has seen, a statement of intent
for how he hopes to bring Unite to terms with technological change and harness
it to organise people in the face of tectonic shifts in the labour market.
Though like myself Gerard is a
Labour man, I also admire how his campaign has sought to be less partisan and
reach beyond the bubble of left-wing politics. Under half of Unite members
actually vote Labour and looking at unions as a whole, only 100,000 affiliated supporter ballots were cast in
the 2016 Labour leadership election. A significant minority of trade unionists
have always been working-class Tories and there have been reports within the
Labour movement of the same kind of seepage to UKIP from traditional Labour
voters that we see in polls of the public at large. Union leaders are all too
often easy for the Tories and the press to ignore because when they intervene
in politics, they are sometimes only speaking for a fraction of their own
membership, and so a broader mandate would help. This is why I believe Gerard’s
stance on free movement and his controversial decision to write for The Sun are notable, even though they are
things I don’t completely agree with myself — real trade unionism must include
all working people, not only those that inhabit our comfort zone. And Gerard’s
effective use of the media in this election has far raised its profile beyond
that of an average union election, hopefully prompting more rank-and-file
members to vote.
Finally, battling
discrimination has been a cornerstone of Gerard’s campaign. He has asserted
that Unite is not doing enough on pay equality and flexible working for women,
or to combat bullying. And he has spoken out about the rising tide of anti-Semitism we
sadly see too much of today in the Labour movement and Britain as a whole, even
when this has resulted in online abuse being thrown at him. This takes guts, and
shows his dedication to inclusion.
For all these reasons and
more, I am very much hoping for a good turnout and a Coyne win when the results are declared on April 28th. British trade
unionism badly needs it.
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